180 capsules

Beta Alanine + Histidine

Short-burst effort supplement

A powerful combination of beta-alanine and histidine to improve your athletic performance and increase training adaptations.

  • Histidine and beta-alanine boost carnosine production
  • Increase endurance and push your limits
  • Get the best effect from your grueling training sessions

Sale price€34.95

100% beta-alanine powder
Gelatin (capsule)
Anti-caking agents: magnesium salts of fatty acids and silicone dioxide
color: calcium carbonate.

The product may contain traces of milk, gluten, and soy. GMO-free.

Novice user:

  • 1st week - 1 capsule per day
  • 2nd week - 2 capsules per day
  • 3rd week - 3 capsules per day
  • 4th week - 4 capsules per day

Build up your tolerance.

Experienced user:

Up to 10 capsules per day. You may split the dose into multiple smaller doses.

As it doesn't contain stimulants, you can use beta-alanine in the evening.

Attention! Beta-alanine must be loaded. You will get optimal results after at least 4 weeks of regular use.

Beta-alanine is an incredibly useful supplement for endurance athletes, used to boost carnosine production and improve athletic performance. But to be truly effective, beta-alanine requires histidine, which is why this product contains both beta-alanine and histidine to provide a powerful performance-enhancing synergy.


Histidine is an essential amino acid that works synergically with beta-alanine to boost carnosine production, which improves endurance and delays the onset of fatigue.


Carnosine has two major benefits.

a) It improves sensitivity to Ca2+ ions.

b) It acts as a buffer and helps maintain pH in the muscles and by doing that prolongs time to fatigue at high intensities.

In simple terms, this leads to improved endurance, especially during sprints and short intervals.

Side Effects

Beta-alanine has no significant side effects. The only slight side effect is a tingling sensation due to the activation of nerve endings, but that should quickly pass. To prevent this from occurring, simply take it in smaller doses.

No Compromise

We never compromise when it comes to the quality of our ingredients. Expect only the best and the most natural stuff we can get.

Simply Science

We base all our products on the latest scientific research and nothing else. If science doesn't approve of it, neither do we.

No Bullshit

We're not here to sell you a product that doesn't work. Our mission is to help you become a better athlete. Don't like our product? Let us know!

Product Features

  • 800 mg beta-alanine + 150 mg histidine per capsule
  • Free of WADA-prohibited substances
  • No harmful additives, artificial flavors, colorants, or sweeteners


Dietary supplement

Quantity: 180 capsules

Serving size: 5 capsules

Servings per container: 36

Consume up to two servings per day.


International society of sports nutrition position stand: Beta-Alanine. ↪️ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19210788/

One-Week High-Dose β-Alanine Loading Improves World Tour Cyclists' Time-Trial Performance ↪️ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9829262/

Beta-alanine improves sprint performance in endurance cycling. ↪️ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/19276843/

Influence of beta-alanine supplementation on skeletal muscle carnosine concentrations and high-intensity cycling capacity. ↪️ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4501114/

Effects of carnosine on contractile apparatus Ca²⁺ sensitivity and sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca²⁺ release in human skeletal muscle fibers. ↪️ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/16868650/

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